13th Dec, 2023 13:00

Fine Asian Art Holiday Sale

Lot 144



Sold for €910

including Buyer's Premium

Lot details

China, 12th-13th century. The deep conical sides rising from a short straight foot, covered overall with a black glaze, changing to a distinct russet tone along the rim. Finely decorated with silvering to the interior showing scrolling foliage against a striated ground. On the exterior, the glaze ends in an irregular line above the foot to reveal the granular buff ware.

Provenance: English trade.
Condition: Good condition with old wear and expected manufacturing irregularities, some crackling and glaze lines, few minor hairlines to rim. Smoothened chips to the foot and few minute nicks to the rim.

Weight: 158.4 g
Dimensions: Diameter 11 cm

Please click here to read the full description

This bowl embraces a technique of decoration otherwise virtually unknown among Cizhou wares: overglaze silvering. The silver designs to the interior reveal influence from the overglaze-gold designs on russet-and-black-glazed Ding ware. Gold and silver bands were affixed to ceramic vessels as early as the Warring States period; so too was metallic foil used to decorate many of those vessels, as evinced by a gray earthenware covered hu jar in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco that has been dated to the third century BC. And although their numbers were never large, many more ceramics from Warring States times onward must have been decorated with overglaze gold and silver than the few extant pieces might suggest.

Literature comparison:
Compare a pear-shaped bottle of Cizhou type with silver glaze decoration, formerly in the Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Collection, illustrated by Robert Mowry in Hare's Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown- and Black-Glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Harvard University, 1996, pp. 167-69, no. 57, where it is dated to the Jin dynasty.

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s New York, 21 March 2014, lot 2082
Price: USD 13,750 or approx. EUR 16,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A rare cizhou-type silver-decorated black-glazed tea bowl, Southern Song/Jin dynasty
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, black and russet glaze, and similar striations. Note the size (11.7 cm).

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 25 May 2022, lot 328
Price: HKD 126,000 or approx. EUR 15,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A rare silver-inscribed black-glazed bowl, Southern Song dynasty
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, black and russet glaze, and similar striations. Note the size (8.7 cm) and that this lot also comprises a cup stand.

点此阅读中文翻译 (Chinese Translation)



重量:158.4 克
尺寸:直徑11 厘米

比較一件金代梨形磁州銀製釉面裝飾,曾於Robert Hatfield Ellsworth收藏,見Robert Mowry,《Hare's Fur,Tortoiseshell,and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown- and Black-Glazed Ceramics,400-1400》,哈佛大學,1996年,頁167-69,編號57。

拍賣:紐約佳士得,2014年3月21日,lot 2082
價格:USD 13,750(相當於今日EUR 16,500

拍賣:香港蘇富比,2022年5月25日,lot 328
價格:HKD 126,000(相當於今日EUR 15,000
描述:南宋乙酉元年(1165年)黑釉描銀「滿堂金玉」、「萬代子孫」斂口茶盞 《乙酉元年》款 、「茶香」字 連 磁州系白釉盞托
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾和褐黑釉面,以及相似的條紋。請注意尺寸(8.7厘米) ,以及此碗有一個托。

China, 12th-13th century. The deep conical sides rising from a short straight foot, covered overall with a black glaze, changing to a distinct russet tone along the rim. Finely decorated with silvering to the interior showing scrolling foliage against a striated ground. On the exterior, the glaze ends in an irregular line above the foot to reveal the granular buff ware.

Provenance: English trade.
Condition: Good condition with old wear and expected manufacturing irregularities, some crackling and glaze lines, few minor hairlines to rim. Smoothened chips to the foot and few minute nicks to the rim.

Weight: 158.4 g
Dimensions: Diameter 11 cm

Please click here to read the full description

This bowl embraces a technique of decoration otherwise virtually unknown among Cizhou wares: overglaze silvering. The silver designs to the interior reveal influence from the overglaze-gold designs on russet-and-black-glazed Ding ware. Gold and silver bands were affixed to ceramic vessels as early as the Warring States period; so too was metallic foil used to decorate many of those vessels, as evinced by a gray earthenware covered hu jar in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco that has been dated to the third century BC. And although their numbers were never large, many more ceramics from Warring States times onward must have been decorated with overglaze gold and silver than the few extant pieces might suggest.

Literature comparison:
Compare a pear-shaped bottle of Cizhou type with silver glaze decoration, formerly in the Robert Hatfield Ellsworth Collection, illustrated by Robert Mowry in Hare's Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown- and Black-Glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Harvard University, 1996, pp. 167-69, no. 57, where it is dated to the Jin dynasty.

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s New York, 21 March 2014, lot 2082
Price: USD 13,750 or approx. EUR 16,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A rare cizhou-type silver-decorated black-glazed tea bowl, Southern Song/Jin dynasty
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, black and russet glaze, and similar striations. Note the size (11.7 cm).

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 25 May 2022, lot 328
Price: HKD 126,000 or approx. EUR 15,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A rare silver-inscribed black-glazed bowl, Southern Song dynasty
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, black and russet glaze, and similar striations. Note the size (8.7 cm) and that this lot also comprises a cup stand.

点此阅读中文翻译 (Chinese Translation)



重量:158.4 克
尺寸:直徑11 厘米

比較一件金代梨形磁州銀製釉面裝飾,曾於Robert Hatfield Ellsworth收藏,見Robert Mowry,《Hare's Fur,Tortoiseshell,and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown- and Black-Glazed Ceramics,400-1400》,哈佛大學,1996年,頁167-69,編號57。

拍賣:紐約佳士得,2014年3月21日,lot 2082
價格:USD 13,750(相當於今日EUR 16,500

拍賣:香港蘇富比,2022年5月25日,lot 328
價格:HKD 126,000(相當於今日EUR 15,000
描述:南宋乙酉元年(1165年)黑釉描銀「滿堂金玉」、「萬代子孫」斂口茶盞 《乙酉元年》款 、「茶香」字 連 磁州系白釉盞托
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾和褐黑釉面,以及相似的條紋。請注意尺寸(8.7厘米) ,以及此碗有一個托。

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