11th Oct, 2023 11:00

THREE-DAY AUCTION - Fine Chinese Art / 中國藝術集珍 / Buddhism & Hinduism

Lot 117



Sold for €14,300

including Buyer's Premium

Lot details

China, 1736-1795. Delicately potted, each with shallow rounded sides supported on a short tapered foot and rising to a scalloped rim dressed in green between black line borders, the interior finely decorated with a central front-facing five-clawed dragon writhing around a flaming pearl, the cavetto similarly decorated to the interior and exterior with sinuously striding dragons in pursuit of flaming pearls, all interspersed by leafy floral scroll. The recessed bases glazed white, each with an underglaze blue six-character seal mark da Qing Qianlong nianzhi and of the period. (2)

Provenance: Spink & Son, London, United Kingdom. From the private estate of Charles H. Royston, Chicago, United States, by repute acquired from the above.
Condition: Excellent condition with expected old wear and minimal firing irregularities. One dish with a light scratch to the underside.

Weight: 108 g and 107.4 g
Dimensions: Diameter 13.6 cm (each)

Please click here to read the full description

The color yellow, featured on the present dishes, held immense importance during the Qing Dynasty, representing the emperor's unparalleled authority as it was known as the ‘Yellow Heaven’ color, signifying the Mandate of Heaven. Exclusively reserved for the imperial family, the color emphasized their elevated status, setting them apart from the rest of society. The presence of a five-clawed dragon on each dish also stood as a symbol of great significance. The five-clawed dragon motif was prominently featured on imperial regalia and its usage was strictly regulated, exclusively designated for the emperor and the imperial household.

Literature comparison:
The design of the current dishes is based on an important Kangxi-marked prototype, fancifully incorporating imperial symbolism. For a prototype of the current design, with a Kangxi mark and of the period, see Wang Qingzheng, Kangxi Porcelain Wares from the Shanghai Museum Collection, Shanghai, 1998, pl. 199. Compare a closely related green enameled yellow-ground dragon dish, 13.3 cm diameter, with a Qianlong mark and of the period, in the Victoria & Albert Museum, accession number 1503-1902.

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Sotheby’s, New York, 22 September 2021, lot 71
Estimate: USD 40,000 of approx. EUR 40,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A pair of yellow-ground green-enameled 'dragon' dishes, seal marks and period of Qianlong
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, albeit lacking the dragons to the exterior, and reign mark. It is rare to have matched pairs stay together and come to market. The current lot compares well to the examples offered at Sotheby’s, but has a slightly stronger design. The green enamel on the Sotheby’s pair, while brilliant, overshadows the incised dragons and makes the composition difficult to visually read. Note the size (12.7 cm).

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Bonhams Hong Kong, 21 May 2009, lot 1155
Price: HKD 180,000 or approx. EUR 30,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A pair of green and yellow incised and enameled ‘dragon’ dishes, Qianlong seal marks and of the period
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, reign mark, and size (13.5 cm).

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s New York, 14 September 2021, lot 815
Price: USD 15,000 or approx. EUR 15,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A green and yellow-glazed ‘dragon’ dish, Qianlong six-character seal mark in underglaze blue and of the period
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, and reign mark, as well as the related size (13.3 cm). Note that the lot comprises a single dish.

点此阅读中文翻译 (Chinese Translation)

中國, 1736-1795年。花口,造型秀巧別緻。通體以黃釉為地,錐刻紋飾並加以綠彩填飾,盤心飾立龍戲珠紋,內壁飾雙龍趕珠紋,神龍穿梭於花間,身姿靈動,外壁繪折枝花卉紋,雙龍穿梭其間。整器製作工藝繁複,紋飾刻劃精細,黃釉瑩亮,綠彩清麗。圈足内白地青花“大清乾隆年製“六字款。 (2)

來源英國倫敦Spink & Son藝廊;芝加哥 Charles H. Royston私藏,據説購於上述藝廊。

重量:分別108 克與107.4克
尺寸:直徑各 13.6 厘米

此碟的設計以重要的康熙標誌原型為基礎,巧妙地融入了皇家象徵意義。康熙款及年代碟,參見王清正,《上海博物館收藏的康熙瓷器》,上海,1998年,圖 199。比較一件非常相近的乾隆款及年代綠色琺瑯黃地龍盤,直徑13.3釐米,收藏於維多利亞阿爾伯特博物館,館藏編號1503-1902。

拍賣:紐約蘇富比,2021年9月22日,lot 162
估價:USD 40,000(相當於今日EUR 40,500
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾,儘管缺乏外圍龍紋和年代款。 配對在一起並進入市場的情況很少見。當前拍品與蘇富比提供的拍品相比較,但設計稍強一些。 蘇富比這對作品上的綠色琺瑯雖然光彩奪目,但卻掩蓋了雕刻的龍,使構圖失衡。請注意尺寸 (12.7 釐米)。

拍賣:香港邦瀚斯,2009年5月21日,lot 1155
價格:HKD 180,000(相當於今日EUR 30,000
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾、年代款和尺寸 (13.5 釐米)。

拍賣:紐約佳士得,2021年9月14日,lot 815
價格:USD 15,000(相當於今日EUR 15,000
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾、年代款和相近尺寸 (13.3 釐米)。請注意此為一件盤。

China, 1736-1795. Delicately potted, each with shallow rounded sides supported on a short tapered foot and rising to a scalloped rim dressed in green between black line borders, the interior finely decorated with a central front-facing five-clawed dragon writhing around a flaming pearl, the cavetto similarly decorated to the interior and exterior with sinuously striding dragons in pursuit of flaming pearls, all interspersed by leafy floral scroll. The recessed bases glazed white, each with an underglaze blue six-character seal mark da Qing Qianlong nianzhi and of the period. (2)

Provenance: Spink & Son, London, United Kingdom. From the private estate of Charles H. Royston, Chicago, United States, by repute acquired from the above.
Condition: Excellent condition with expected old wear and minimal firing irregularities. One dish with a light scratch to the underside.

Weight: 108 g and 107.4 g
Dimensions: Diameter 13.6 cm (each)

Please click here to read the full description

The color yellow, featured on the present dishes, held immense importance during the Qing Dynasty, representing the emperor's unparalleled authority as it was known as the ‘Yellow Heaven’ color, signifying the Mandate of Heaven. Exclusively reserved for the imperial family, the color emphasized their elevated status, setting them apart from the rest of society. The presence of a five-clawed dragon on each dish also stood as a symbol of great significance. The five-clawed dragon motif was prominently featured on imperial regalia and its usage was strictly regulated, exclusively designated for the emperor and the imperial household.

Literature comparison:
The design of the current dishes is based on an important Kangxi-marked prototype, fancifully incorporating imperial symbolism. For a prototype of the current design, with a Kangxi mark and of the period, see Wang Qingzheng, Kangxi Porcelain Wares from the Shanghai Museum Collection, Shanghai, 1998, pl. 199. Compare a closely related green enameled yellow-ground dragon dish, 13.3 cm diameter, with a Qianlong mark and of the period, in the Victoria & Albert Museum, accession number 1503-1902.

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Sotheby’s, New York, 22 September 2021, lot 71
Estimate: USD 40,000 of approx. EUR 40,500 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A pair of yellow-ground green-enameled 'dragon' dishes, seal marks and period of Qianlong
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, albeit lacking the dragons to the exterior, and reign mark. It is rare to have matched pairs stay together and come to market. The current lot compares well to the examples offered at Sotheby’s, but has a slightly stronger design. The green enamel on the Sotheby’s pair, while brilliant, overshadows the incised dragons and makes the composition difficult to visually read. Note the size (12.7 cm).

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Bonhams Hong Kong, 21 May 2009, lot 1155
Price: HKD 180,000 or approx. EUR 30,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A pair of green and yellow incised and enameled ‘dragon’ dishes, Qianlong seal marks and of the period
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, reign mark, and size (13.5 cm).

Auction result comparison:
Type: Closely related
Auction: Christie’s New York, 14 September 2021, lot 815
Price: USD 15,000 or approx. EUR 15,000 converted and adjusted for inflation at the time of writing
Description: A green and yellow-glazed ‘dragon’ dish, Qianlong six-character seal mark in underglaze blue and of the period
Expert remark: Compare the closely related form, decoration, and reign mark, as well as the related size (13.3 cm). Note that the lot comprises a single dish.

点此阅读中文翻译 (Chinese Translation)

中國, 1736-1795年。花口,造型秀巧別緻。通體以黃釉為地,錐刻紋飾並加以綠彩填飾,盤心飾立龍戲珠紋,內壁飾雙龍趕珠紋,神龍穿梭於花間,身姿靈動,外壁繪折枝花卉紋,雙龍穿梭其間。整器製作工藝繁複,紋飾刻劃精細,黃釉瑩亮,綠彩清麗。圈足内白地青花“大清乾隆年製“六字款。 (2)

來源英國倫敦Spink & Son藝廊;芝加哥 Charles H. Royston私藏,據説購於上述藝廊。

重量:分別108 克與107.4克
尺寸:直徑各 13.6 厘米

此碟的設計以重要的康熙標誌原型為基礎,巧妙地融入了皇家象徵意義。康熙款及年代碟,參見王清正,《上海博物館收藏的康熙瓷器》,上海,1998年,圖 199。比較一件非常相近的乾隆款及年代綠色琺瑯黃地龍盤,直徑13.3釐米,收藏於維多利亞阿爾伯特博物館,館藏編號1503-1902。

拍賣:紐約蘇富比,2021年9月22日,lot 162
估價:USD 40,000(相當於今日EUR 40,500
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾,儘管缺乏外圍龍紋和年代款。 配對在一起並進入市場的情況很少見。當前拍品與蘇富比提供的拍品相比較,但設計稍強一些。 蘇富比這對作品上的綠色琺瑯雖然光彩奪目,但卻掩蓋了雕刻的龍,使構圖失衡。請注意尺寸 (12.7 釐米)。

拍賣:香港邦瀚斯,2009年5月21日,lot 1155
價格:HKD 180,000(相當於今日EUR 30,000
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾、年代款和尺寸 (13.5 釐米)。

拍賣:紐約佳士得,2021年9月14日,lot 815
價格:USD 15,000(相當於今日EUR 15,000
專家評論:比較非常相近的外形、裝飾、年代款和相近尺寸 (13.3 釐米)。請注意此為一件盤。

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